Please fill out this form to indicate your interest in volunteering with L4GG's upcoming Asylum Bridge project, a remote clinic helping asylum seekers complete their I-589 applications.

The I-589 is the Application for Asylum and for Withholding of Removal, which individuals must generally file within one year of entering the US to seek protection from persecution in their home countries.

There is an urgent need for this service - of the 3.7 million immigrants currently in immigration proceedings, 2.5 million of them have no lawyers to represent them. Many of them are eligible for asylum, but have not yet filed and are therefore at a heightened risk for deportation. L4GG has identified approximately 2,000 asylum seekers in our network who need assistance filing these crucial applications, which are required for their cases to proceed and make them eligible for work authorization.

We are launching a nationwide remote pro bono clinic where attorneys can provide limited-scope assistance (approximately 20 hours per case) without committing to full representation. We hope to have some limited interpretation available for English speaking volunteers, though in general volunteers will need to utilize their own language skills or be responsible for bringing their own interpreter for this clinic.

Please note that completing this interest form does not guarantee placement with a client, as we are still developing the program structure and matching process. We will provide more details about training and coordination as they are finalized.