L4GG Heads to Capitol Hill to Preserve the Rule of Law

Non-partisan Coalition of Lawyers Heads to Capitol Hill, Urging Congress to Protect Mueller Investigation from Interference and Preserve the Rule of Law

1,500 Lawyers from All 50 States and D.C. Sign Petition Calling for Congressional Action to Protect the Special Counsel Investigation From Potential Interference

WASHINGTON DC -- On Tuesday, April 24th, Lawyers for Good Government will head to Capitol Hill in an effort to convince Congress to pass legislation now to protect the Mueller investigation from interference and preserve the rule of law. The lawyers will deliver a petition signed by 1,500 lawyers from all 50 States and DC, demanding that Congress “take immediate action to protect the rule of law and preserve our democracy” in the face of repeated threats by the President and his allies to fire the investigators or otherwise obstruct the Mueller investigation. The non-partisan group of lawyers will urge Congress to pass legislation protecting special counsel Mueller’s investigation and express support for the legislation being considered in the Senate Judiciary Committee this week.

The lawyers plan to deliver a letter along with the petition to the offices of House Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, calling upon them to support legislation protecting the investigation, and to allow the Senate Judiciary Committee’s bill to come to the Senate floor for a vote.

WHEN: Tuesday, April 24th, 4:00 PM
WHERE: Hart Senate Building
CONTACT: Traci Feit Love (404-913-5529)


“It is well-established that no one is above the law in this country, not even the President of the United States, ” said Traci Feit Love, founder & Executive Director of Lawyers for Good Government. “Congress has a solemn duty to uphold the rule of law and ensure that President Trump is not permitted to abuse his authority by interfering with the Special Counsel’s investigation.”

According to the petition, “Any attempt by President Trump to interfere with or terminate the Special Counsel’s investigation would be contrary to the rule of law” and "Allowing the President to abuse his authority in this way would be an immediate threat to our democracy.”

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Lawyers for Good Government, led by founder Traci Feit Love, was created in November 2016 to harness the energy, passion, and skills of more than 125,000 lawyers, law students, and legal activists in all fifty states who joined together in the wake of the 2016 election to support the rule of law. The organization’s mission is to protect and strengthen democratic institutions, resist abuse of power and corruption, and defend the rule of law and individual rights. For more information about L4GG, or to make a donation to support the organization’s work, please visit http://lawyersforgoodgovernment.org