Lawyers for Good Government

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L4GG Delivers Petition Signed by 1,500+ Lawyers to Capitol Hill

On Tuesday, April 24, 2018, Lawyers for Good Government (L4GG) volunteers hand-delivered a petition signed by more than 1,500 lawyers to key members of Congress, demanding that Congress take action to protect the Mueller investigation. Assisted by Herd on the Hill, a volunteer organization that helps constituents connect with members of Congress, L4GG visited the offices of Senators Mitch McConnell, Chuck Grassley, Orrin Hatch, Lindsey Graham, and Jeff Flake, urging them to approve the pending bipartisan bill designed to prevent interference with special counsel investigations.

Just two days later, the Senate Judiciary Committee debated and approved the bipartisan bill (S. 2644, the Special Counsel Independence and Integrity Act). Senators Grassley, Flake, and Graham all voted "Yes" to approve the bill in committee.

To read the text of L4GG's petition, click here.