Title 42 is illegal and immoral, period.

Since January of 2021, L4GG has been fighting for and securing hundreds of exemptions from Title 42 for extremely vulnerable asylum seekers with medical needs, disabilities, and unaccompanied children.

That's why we’re profoundly disappointed that the Biden Administration is appealing yesterday’s federal court decision to block Title 42 expulsions for families.


Yesterday, federal courts blocked Title 42 expulsions of families seeking safety, through a preliminary injunction in ACLU’s case, Huisha-Huisha v. Mayorkas. Title 42, invoked under the Trump Administration and continued under the Biden presidency, turned thousands of asylum seekers away at the southern border, forcing vulnerable families to be exposed to well-documented dangers in Mexico, returning them to the violence they fled.

The courts were correct to reject Title 42, and to uphold the right of families to seek safety at our borders. Title 42 is unethical and illegal.

We urge the Biden Administration to do the right thing and end Title 42, while ensuring safe passage for more extremely vulnerable asylum seekers.

Until they do, we’ll be ready.

Donate Now to Project Corazon and help asylum seekers find safe passage.

We’ll provide legal assistance to ensure more families find safety in our borders while waiting for the completion of their immigration cases. And, we’ll help provide them with work permits so they can provide for their families in the meantime.

But we can’t do this work alone. For example, in the past week we’ve received requests for assistance from more than 240 asylum seekers who need our help securing work permits. We need your support to make sure we can provide these asylum seekers with a pathway to a job while we’re continuing to support asylum seekers on our southern border.

With gratitude,

Traci Feit Love
Founder and Executive Director
Lawyers for Good Government (L4GG) and the L4GG Foundation