Celebrating Two Years of the IRA: Our Achievements and Impact — Lawyers for Good Government

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Celebrating Two Years of the IRA: Our Achievements and Impact

As we commemorate the two-year anniversary of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) today, August 16, there is much to celebrate about this historic legislation. The IRA represents the largest-ever climate investment in our country’s history, creating unprecedented opportunities for clean energy savings. It’s already supported clean energy infrastructure, saved Americans an estimated $38 billion in energy costs, and created over 313,000 new jobs across nearly every state.

However, we at L4GG are acutely aware that historically marginalized communities often lack the resources to access the IRA’s historic funding opportunities. In response, we have intensified our efforts over the past two years to ensure that the benefits of the IRA reach those who need them most. Here’s what we’ve been up to:

The Clean Energy Tax Navigator

Last month, we launched a free, groundbreaking tool that is helping under-resourced communities access and leverage the IRA’s $360-600 billion in tax credits for clean energy projects. The Navigator fills a significant gap in public knowledge and provides a clear, easy-to-use framework for navigating complex tax codes. It helps tax-exempt entities determine their eligibility and provides both technical resources and direct pro bono services. It levels the playing field for entities like local governments, frontline communities, tribal groups, school districts, religious institutions, nonprofits, and more who cannot afford a tax advisor or legal counsel.

  • We’ve assisted over 800 entities with IRA implementation guidance, offering critical legal resources for state and local decision-makers, nonprofits, and frontline communities!

  • We’ve helped 25 Governor’s Offices, many Community Based Organizations, and 60 municipalities file for elective pay,  bringing unprecedented funding back into communities from clean energy projects that were completed in 2023.

Decarbonization & Climate Resilience Clinic

Our Clinic continues to provide tailored legal guidance and resources to help communities not only access the IRA, but also to implement green projects on the ground. Here are just a few of our wins:

  • We’ve directly assisted six communities with filing Community Change Grant applications for climate resilience and decarbonization projects across the country, which will bring clean air and equity to places like Toledo, Ohio; Washington, DC; Brooklyn, New York; Memphis, Tennessee; North Carolina; and St. Petersburg, Florida.

  • We’ve helped the Indiana NAACP receive an equal seat at the table in deciding how millions of dollars in EV Infrastructure will be spent in the State of Indiana to ensure that Black and Brown communities have access to EV chargers.

  • We’ve helped the City of Carbondale, Illinois receive a half-million dollar grant to build a city solar project that will provide low- to no-cost clean energy to a previous coal community.

Legal expertise can serve as the compass that communities can use to navigate the complex web of climate legislation, which is critical to accessing this historic federal funding. L4GG will continue to simplify the intricacies of laws like the IRA and ensure everyone gets a fair share of the green future.