EAD Intake Form — Lawyers for Good Government

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Work Permit Pro Bono Program

In the United States, thousands of people fleeing harm in their home countries are currently in the process of seeking asylum. While their cases are being processed by the government, these asylum seekers urgently need legal authorization to work so they can provide for themselves and their families. In response to this need, we created a program to help unrepresented asylum seekers apply for their employment authorization documents. Through our program, we train volunteer attorneys nationwide and then connect them with asylum seekers in need of assistance. 

If you are an asylum seeker in the United States who would like help completing an application for your work permit, we invite you to fill out the brief form found at the bottom of this page to request legal assistance.

Before filling out the form, please click here to review the information you will need as well as the project requirements.

Please note that filling out this form does not guarantee that we will be able to find you a lawyer to prepare your work permit application or otherwise to assist you in any way. If we do accept your case for referral, our volunteers will only be able to help you apply for your work permit. They cannot go with you to court or represent you in your asylum case.