Seeking 5 attorneys to review and analyze documents from a FOIA response to determine how and why the Benton Harbor, Michigan Water Crisis took place and to ensure the infrastructure is fixed as quickly as possible. We estimate that the work will take about 20 hours per attorney. Deadline is January 31, 2022.
Lawyers for Racial Justice: Agricultural Child Labor Project (Phase 2)
[22 projects remaining, roughly 25-30 hours each] Seeking law firms and/or in-house legal teams to assist with the second phase of a 50-state research project regarding state law on agricultural child labor. We estimate that each assignment will take 25-30 hours, and request that the projects be completed by April 15.
State Legislative Research Project
Seeking law firms and in-house legal teams to research state-level legislation that has been drafted or proposed during the last full legislative session in each state, whether passed or not, and answering a number of questions about it so that the approach of different states regarding different topics can be compared and synthesized by organizations that are part of Lawyers for Good Government’s coalition-based model of impact work. Each participating attorney will be assigned to one issue area (e.g., voting rights, police misconduct, education, etc.) in one state.