NOTE: Currently, we are unable to accept new applications for assistance through our TPS program. We will update this page if and when we are able to take new clients (last updated June 2024). In the meantime, please see the following resources:

We believe Ukrainian nationals in the United States deserve safety, stability, and the opportunity to work.

There are an estimated 75,000 Ukrainian nationals currently living in the United States. In light of Russia’s military invasion of Ukraine, it is too dangerous for these Ukrainian nationals to return to the country if and when their U.S. immigration status lapses. To help them, the Biden Administration has designated Ukraine for Temporary Protected Status (TPS), a form of immigration relief that provides the right to live and work in the United States for a temporary period.

Ukrainian nationals can apply for this new form of temporary relief as well as work authorization so they can provide for themselves and their families. To apply, they must fill out a lengthy immigration application form known as an I-821 as well as an I-765 work authorization form.

L4GG’s TPS Pro Bono Project for Ukraine mobilizes pro bono legal assistance for Ukrainian nationals to provide legal guidance and help prepare applications for TPS (I-821), employment authorization (I-765), and if applicable, fee waivers (I-912). Once their matters are completed, Ukrainian nationals will have completed immigration forms to ensure their safety and ability to work in the U.S. for up to 18 months, and because the filing fees can cost more than $500, many of them will also have their filing fees waives as a result of the clinic.

information for Ukrainian nationals:

If you are a Ukrainian national in the United States who would like help completing an application for Temporary Protected Status and accompanying work authorization form, you can request assistance through our client screening form below in English, Russian or Ukrainian.


The TPS Pro Bono Project for Ukraine is made possible by L4GG’s supporters. To make a donation, please click here.