Pro Bono

L4GG Celebrates Jaron Goddard as Volunteer of the Month

We are thrilled to announce Jaron Goddard as L4GG’s inaugural Volunteer of the Month! Jaron’s exceptional work as a pro bono volunteer at Wilson Sonsini has significantly advanced our climate justice initiatives. Read on to learn how she has helped support the implementation of clean energy projects all across the United States!


Meet Jaron Goddard

Jaron's journey with Lawyers for Good Government began when she volunteered with our Temporary Protected Status for Ukraine project, where she aided Ukrainian refugees with immigration forms during the Russia-Ukraine war. Her transition to our climate change efforts was driven by her commitment to utilizing the Inflation Reduction Act's “Direct Pay” provision. This new benefit empowers nonprofits, cities, states, and tribal governments to access tax credits for the first time in order to implement clean energy projects. 

L4GG is doing something fascinating regarding direct pay and the Inflation Reduction Act. Direct Pay is this really amazing new tool that the bill authorizes, letting nonprofits, cities, and tribes use the tax code to get incentives for owning their own clean energy. Before the IRA…only private companies could use these really powerful clean energy tax credits. So it’s really innovative and exciting that there gets to be that direct ownership, and L4GG is putting together legal resources to help all of those entities launch [these] first-of-a-kind programs.
— Jaron Goddard, Energy and Climate Solutions, Wilson Sonsini

A Look at Jaron’s Achievements

The cornerstone of Jaron’s contributions has been her legal expertise, which has helped nonprofits and local governments implement innovative clean energy projects. These initiatives are not just about environmental impact—they are reshaping economic landscapes by enabling direct ownership and investment in sustainable practices.

Jaron has been instrumental in supporting the US Climate Alliance, providing technical assistance to over half of the state governors’ offices across the country to maximize the benefits of direct pay. Her team’s guidance has been crucial for numerous cities and nonprofits seeking to access clean energy tax credits, unlocking millions of dollars in funding. At Wilson Sonsini, she’s proven to be an invaluable resource, always ready to tackle the most technical questions at a moment’s notice. Beyond her expertise, Jaron is a fantastic thought partner. We regularly discuss the evolving needs in the climate space and strategize on how lawyers can most effectively implement the IRA to make a real difference.
— Jillian Blanchard, L4GG Director of Climate Change & Environmental Justice

Jaron’s Advice to Future Volunteers

Jaron encourages new volunteers to embrace the creativity and pioneering spirit required in this uncharted legal territory of Direct Pay projects. Jaron also said she appreciates L4GG's role in connecting skilled attorneys with impactful projects that might otherwise be out of reach for many community groups and nonprofits.

For the direct pay programs that L4GG works on, what excites me most as a clean energy attorney is that these projects are truly first of their kind—no one has done this before. The IRA has fundamentally changed our industry. It’s an incredible opportunity to think creatively and assist entities in figuring out effective public ownership models. It’s about directly investing public or nonprofit funds into communities, which is really exciting.”
— - Jaron Goddard, Energy and Climate Solutions, Wilson Sonsini

Beyond the Legal World

Outside her professional endeavors, Jaron finds solace and rejuvenation in the natural beauty of the Pacific Northwest. An avid hiker and surfer, she embodies the spirit of the environments she strives to protect through her legal work.

As we celebrate Jaron this month, we highlight her individual contributions and the broader impact of our volunteers who dedicate their expertise to significant causes. Jaron’s work with L4GG exemplifies how dedicated legal professionals can drive systemic change and create a sustainable future. 

  1. If you know of another incredible pro bono volunteer, nominate them for our Pro Bono Volunteer of the Month award here!

  2. If you’re interested, consider how you might also make a difference through your skills and passions!