L4GG Celebrates Anna Hori as Volunteer of the Month

We are excited to introduce Anna Hori as our July Volunteer of the Month! Anna’s exceptional dedication has been instrumental in supporting our mission.


Meet Anna, a Dedicated Volunteer Making a Difference

Anna began her journey with L4GG in late summer of 2022, during her first year at the University of Chicago Law School. Inspired by her interest in reproductive justice and the flexibility L4GG offered, she dedicated herself to volunteering with L4GG’s Reproductive Health Legal Assistance Project, even as a busy law student. Anna shared: 

"I really appreciated L4GG's broad scope of work and their flexibility for volunteers, especially as a first-year law student.”

Her interest in reproductive justice and the opportunity to work asynchronously made volunteering with L4GG a perfect fit. Outside of her volunteer work and studies, Anna enjoys spending time with friends and family and values the balance that her volunteer work brings to life. 

Contributing to Meaningful Projects

One of Anna’s most significant projects involved monitoring news stories about reproductive health laws in Nebraska. Despite not knowing much about the state initially, she quickly became an expert, tracking the progression of state law and high-profile cases. Her work focused on the intersection of reproductive justice, privacy, and the criminal justice system, contributing to a deeper understanding of post-Dobbs America. 

I also really loved that while the project was centered on reproductive justice, it incorporated a lot of different parts of the law. So a lot of my work was on the intersection between reproductive justice, privacy, and the criminal justice system.
— Anna Hori

Anna’s efforts extended beyond individual tasks; she was part of a team that aimed to understand the broader implications of legal changes. Her work was not just an academic exercise, but a meaningful contribution to real-world issues. This research has been incorporated into the Policy Resource Hub for Reproductive Health and Reproductive Health Digest, two critical tools maintained by L4GG and powered by volunteers like Anna to provide front-line reproductive healthcare providers with clarity around the laws in 56 states and US territories.

Balancing Law School and Volunteering

Balancing the demands of law school with volunteering is no small feat, yet Anna managed to do so with grace. She found that volunteering provided a refreshing change from her academic workload as she noted:

"It was a nice way to break up the reading and writing in law school. The asynchronous nature of the work allowed me to contribute more during lighter weeks." - Anna Hori

Advice for Future Volunteers

We asked Anna what advice she would give to other volunteers, and she emphasized the importance of getting involved and finding work that aligns with both your interests and schedule. She also suggested building a community among volunteers to enhance the experience and support each other. 

"Volunteering was a meaningful part of my law school experience. I learned a lot in a different way than in the classroom.” - Anna Hori 

Looking Ahead

As Anna prepares to enter her final year of law school, she continues to reflect on her volunteer experience with gratitude. 

"The training and support I received from L4GG were invaluable. I felt confident and knew who to contact if I needed help.”

Her dedication and hard work have not gone unnoticed, and we are excited to see where her legal career takes her.

Thank You, Anna!

Thank you, Anna, for your outstanding contributions to L4GG. Your passion, dedication, and hard work have made a lasting impact, and we are proud to have you as part of our team. We wish you all the best in your future endeavors and look forward to seeing the amazing things you will accomplish.

As we celebrate Anna Hori this month, we highlight her individual contributions and the broader impact of our volunteers who dedicate their expertise to significant causes. Anna's work with L4GG showcases the power of committed volunteers in effecting lasting change and building a better tomorrow.

  1. If you know of another incredible pro bono volunteer, nominate them for our Pro Bono Volunteer of the Month award here!

  2. If you’re interested, consider how you might also make a difference through your skills and passions!

L4GG Celebrates Becky Teiwes as Volunteer of the Month

We are excited to introduce Becky Teiwes as our June Volunteer of the Month! Becky’s exceptional dedication has been instrumental in supporting our mission. From providing essential services at detention centers to assisting with local clinics for documented and undocumented immigrants, Becky’s contributions have made a tangible impact on the communities we serve. Read on to learn more about Becky’s inspiring journey and her invaluable work with Project Corazon.


Meet Becky Teiwes - From Classroom to Borderlands Advocacy

With a background in education, Becky spent many years teaching high school Spanish in Massachusetts, integrating lessons on human rights and migration into her curriculum. However, her drive to create a more direct impact inspired a profound shift in her career and life, leading her to the US-Mexico border in October 2021. Becky is currently the Borderlands Program Coordinator for the Mennonite Central Committee. 

A Journey Rooted in Compassion and Action 

Becky’s transition from the classroom to the frontlines of humanitarian work was sparked by a deep-seated need to be physically present where the need was greatest. 

I was teaching about the border and our response to it, feeling increasingly disconnected from the very issues I was passionate about,” she explained.

Motivated by the zero-tolerance policy and the devastating impact of family separations, Becky decided it was time to move beyond the theoretical and engage directly with the humanitarian challenges at the border.  Reflecting on her career shift, Becky shared: 

I just got tired of teaching about the border and about US foreign policy in Central America and…feeling like there was something we needed to do as a country…we moved to the US-Mexico border in October of 2021. I would say in response to child separation… zero-tolerance policy, I think that was really the straw that broke the camel’s back for me.

Discovering L4GG and Making a Difference

In 2021, while researching ways to volunteer, Becky found L4GG and signed up to support Project Corazon, an L4GG program created to defend the rights of migrants in the face of inhumane immigration policies, despite her limited legal background. She soon found her passion,  helping newly arrived immigrants on humanitarian parole with arrival logistics. 

“Even small tasks like making phone calls or translating documents can make a big difference,” she said. 

Becky’s ability to seamlessly integrate her skills into the volunteer efforts has made her an invaluable part of the L4GG family.

A Look at Becky’s Achievements

After a year of legal advocacy, Marc was finally reunited with his family on Christmas Eve.

One of Becky’s most significant experiences was her involvement in the defense of a Haitian man, referred to as “Marc” for confidentiality. Marc’s case, involving torture in Mexico, required extensive effort from the L4GG team. This client had been separated from his family and was stuck at a for-profit detention center. For nine months Becky was one of the only people able to visit him during this time. Becky witnessed the entire process, from meeting Marc in Reynosa to attending his trial.

“Seeing him shackled during his trial was a stark reminder of the injustices within the for-profit prison system,” she recalled.

Becky is why we have been as successful as we have been. She is willing to enter dark, cold, and often threatening facilities in order to connect directly with a client. She tells their stories. She carries their wounds on her shoulders. She is willing to put herself out there simply because she thinks that there is a better way. She hasn’t given up hope that this country and our laws can be fair. Whenever I am convinced that my team is alone, there is Becky, reminding me that there is still a fight worth fighting.”
— Priscilla Orta, L4GG Director of Project Corazon

Personal Growth Through Volunteering 

Volunteering with L4GG has profoundly impacted Becky. “It has illuminated injustices I’ve only read about before. Seeing them firsthand, despite being difficult, is incredibly important,” she explained. Becky believes that physical proximity to these issues helps volunteers truly understand and advocate for change. 

Becky’s Advice to Future Volunteers

Becky encourages anyone considering volunteering to remember that every contribution counts. 

“There is no offering too small. Even if it’s an hour of your time, it can make a significant difference.”

She also highlights the importance of recognizing one’s privileges and capacities, urging others to contribute in ways that fit their circumstances. While Becky is deeply committed to her work, she acknowledges the support of her spouse and the logistical advantages that allow her to volunteer. 

I have a supportive husband and a part-time job which enables me to engage in this work. I am not some wonderful, amazing person; I am privileged to be able to do this,” she humbly shared.

As we celebrate Becky Teiwes this month, we highlight her individual contributions and the broader impact of our volunteers who dedicate their expertise to significant causes. Becky’s work with L4GG exemplifies how dedicated legal professionals can drive systemic change and create a sustainable future.

  1. If you know of another incredible pro bono volunteer, nominate them for our Pro Bono Volunteer of the Month award here!

  2. If you’re interested, consider how you might also make a difference through your skills and passions!

L4GG Celebrates Jaron Goddard as Volunteer of the Month

We are thrilled to announce Jaron Goddard as L4GG’s inaugural Volunteer of the Month! Jaron’s exceptional work as a pro bono volunteer at Wilson Sonsini has significantly advanced our climate justice initiatives. Read on to learn how she has helped support the implementation of clean energy projects all across the United States!


Meet Jaron Goddard

Jaron's journey with Lawyers for Good Government began when she volunteered with our Temporary Protected Status for Ukraine project, where she aided Ukrainian refugees with immigration forms during the Russia-Ukraine war. Her transition to our climate change efforts was driven by her commitment to utilizing the Inflation Reduction Act's “Direct Pay” provision. This new benefit empowers nonprofits, cities, states, and tribal governments to access tax credits for the first time in order to implement clean energy projects. 

L4GG is doing something fascinating regarding direct pay and the Inflation Reduction Act. Direct Pay is this really amazing new tool that the bill authorizes, letting nonprofits, cities, and tribes use the tax code to get incentives for owning their own clean energy. Before the IRA…only private companies could use these really powerful clean energy tax credits. So it’s really innovative and exciting that there gets to be that direct ownership, and L4GG is putting together legal resources to help all of those entities launch [these] first-of-a-kind programs.
— Jaron Goddard, Energy and Climate Solutions, Wilson Sonsini

A Look at Jaron’s Achievements

The cornerstone of Jaron’s contributions has been her legal expertise, which has helped nonprofits and local governments implement innovative clean energy projects. These initiatives are not just about environmental impact—they are reshaping economic landscapes by enabling direct ownership and investment in sustainable practices.

Jaron has been instrumental in supporting the US Climate Alliance, providing technical assistance to over half of the state governors’ offices across the country to maximize the benefits of direct pay. Her team’s guidance has been crucial for numerous cities and nonprofits seeking to access clean energy tax credits, unlocking millions of dollars in funding. At Wilson Sonsini, she’s proven to be an invaluable resource, always ready to tackle the most technical questions at a moment’s notice. Beyond her expertise, Jaron is a fantastic thought partner. We regularly discuss the evolving needs in the climate space and strategize on how lawyers can most effectively implement the IRA to make a real difference.
— Jillian Blanchard, L4GG Director of Climate Change & Environmental Justice

Jaron’s Advice to Future Volunteers

Jaron encourages new volunteers to embrace the creativity and pioneering spirit required in this uncharted legal territory of Direct Pay projects. Jaron also said she appreciates L4GG's role in connecting skilled attorneys with impactful projects that might otherwise be out of reach for many community groups and nonprofits.

For the direct pay programs that L4GG works on, what excites me most as a clean energy attorney is that these projects are truly first of their kind—no one has done this before. The IRA has fundamentally changed our industry. It’s an incredible opportunity to think creatively and assist entities in figuring out effective public ownership models. It’s about directly investing public or nonprofit funds into communities, which is really exciting.”
— - Jaron Goddard, Energy and Climate Solutions, Wilson Sonsini

Beyond the Legal World

Outside her professional endeavors, Jaron finds solace and rejuvenation in the natural beauty of the Pacific Northwest. An avid hiker and surfer, she embodies the spirit of the environments she strives to protect through her legal work.

As we celebrate Jaron this month, we highlight her individual contributions and the broader impact of our volunteers who dedicate their expertise to significant causes. Jaron’s work with L4GG exemplifies how dedicated legal professionals can drive systemic change and create a sustainable future. 

  1. If you know of another incredible pro bono volunteer, nominate them for our Pro Bono Volunteer of the Month award here!

  2. If you’re interested, consider how you might also make a difference through your skills and passions!