Donor Advised Funds


Donor Advised Funds (DAFs) allow donors to make charitable donations and receive an immediate tax deduction.

Donating from your Donor Advised Funds is safe, easy, and fast. Through the DAF Direct window to the right, you can directly donate through thousands of DAF providers, including the most popular options such as Fidelity Charitable, Schwab Charitable, and BNY Mellon.

Making a charitable gift through the donation form on the right is a quick process:

  1. Select the DAF provider and login directly to your account

  2. Check your DAF account balance and enter your desired gift amount

  3. Share your personal information (i.e. email and address) for your receipt records

  4. Select if you would like to cover the processing fee, as well as need leave a note or designation (if applicable)

  5. Hit submit and your grant donation request is complete!

Upon making a donation, you can elect to receive an automatic grant request confirmation that will be sent to the email address you provided.

Clients of other Donor-Advised Funds can contact their institution to donate to us using our mailing address (8697 La Mesa Blvd, Ste C - 532, La Mesa, CA 91942).

L4GG’s tax ID number is 81-4543775.

If you have any questions, please contact

Due to the nature of DAFs, once a donor's DAF grant request to an eligible 501c3 is accepted, it cannot be revoked or refunded. All DAF donations should be treated as final and do not offer refunds. No goods or services will be offered in exchange for DAF donations.